Yagafuchi Park is located downstream of Nagata Gorge. Completed in 1941, Kajiyama Bridge is known to the townsfolk as Spectacles Bridge because of its shape. It was also popularly known as Tenku Bridge by people in the local area, and the legends about Kappa still remain today.
The Kappa of this area are known as ‘’Gagure’’ or ‘’Garapa’’ and there are many legends about them around the town. The deep blue river over which the spectacles bridge crosses has become a playground for children, but long ago the children of the stronghold went missing here. Thinking it was the work of Kappa they caught one and angrily poured kitchen water onto its head. Suddenly the Kappa became energetic and said "cherry blossoms are cherry blossoms, river bamboo is river bamboo, we will not catch people”, and with that the Kappa ran away. Soon after the missing children were found. Since then, Kappa have been said to keep their promise and are watching over the people and children traveling and playing in the area.
在當地對河童有好幾種叫法,在街內也遺留下有關河童的傳說。傳說眼鏡橋高架與深淵之上是孩子們玩耍的好地方,當時那一帶的地頭蛇家的孩子不見了,懷疑是河童乾的,抓來了河童,把仇恨融入廚房的污水中,往河童頭上潑的時候,河童突然精神起來,說著在櫻花是櫻花,河竹是河竹的時候不能抓人,跑走了。沒過多會兒 孩子找到了。從那以後 河童堅守約定,白天里在深淵底下保護著過往的行人和孩子們。
在当地对河童有好几种叫法,在街内也遗留下有关河童的传说。传说眼镜桥高架于深渊之上是孩子们玩耍的好地方,当时那一带的地头蛇家的孩子不见了,怀疑是河童干的,抓来了河童,把仇恨融入厨房的污水中,往河童头上泼的时候,河童突然精神起来,说着在樱花是樱花、河竹是河竹的时候不能抓人,跑走了。没过多会儿 孩子找到了。从那以后 河童坚守约定,白天里在深渊底下保护着过往的行人和孩子们。
Yagafuchi Park is located downstream of Nagata Gorge. Completed in 1941, Kajiyama Bridge is known to the townsfolk as Spectacles Bridge because of its shape. It was also popularly known as Tenku Bridge by people in the local area, and the legends about Kappa still remain today.
Kappa Densetsu
The Kappa of this area are known as ‘’Gagure’’ or ‘’Garapa’’ and there are many legends about them around the town. The deep blue river over which the spectacles bridge crosses has become a playground for children, but long ago the children of the stronghold went missing here. Thinking it was the work of Kappa they caught one and angrily poured kitchen water onto its head. Suddenly the Kappa became energetic and said "cherry blossoms are cherry blossoms, river bamboo is river bamboo, we will not catch people”, and with that the Kappa ran away. Soon after the missing children were found. Since then, Kappa have been said to keep their promise and are watching over the people and children traveling and playing in the area.
在當地對河童有好幾種叫法,在街內也遺留下有關河童的傳說。傳說眼鏡橋高架與深淵之上是孩子們玩耍的好地方,當時那一帶的地頭蛇家的孩子不見了,懷疑是河童乾的,抓來了河童,把仇恨融入廚房的污水中,往河童頭上潑的時候,河童突然精神起來,說著在櫻花是櫻花,河竹是河竹的時候不能抓人,跑走了。沒過多會兒 孩子找到了。從那以後 河童堅守約定,白天里在深淵底下保護著過往的行人和孩子們。
在当地对河童有好几种叫法,在街内也遗留下有关河童的传说。传说眼镜桥高架于深渊之上是孩子们玩耍的好地方,当时那一带的地头蛇家的孩子不见了,怀疑是河童干的,抓来了河童,把仇恨融入厨房的污水中,往河童头上泼的时候,河童突然精神起来,说着在樱花是樱花、河竹是河竹的时候不能抓人,跑走了。没过多会儿 孩子找到了。从那以后 河童坚守约定,白天里在深渊底下保护着过往的行人和孩子们。
- 住所
- 三股町大字長田3012 3012 Oaza Nagata, Mimata
- 駐車場
- 12台 Parking:12 Spots
- トイレ
- 有 (和式有り、身障者優先、おむつ交換台無し) Toilet:Japanese style, and disabled available. No changing station
- 地図